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How to Pose for a Headshot?

FAQ: How to Pose for a Headshot?

Preparing for your professional headshot goes beyond choosing the right attire; it's crucial to master your posing technique. Fortunately, looking outstanding in a headshot is simpler than it seems. Your primary goal should be to follow your photographer's guidance closely.

Professional photographers are experts at making you look your best. Here are some key tips they might share:

  1. Lean In: A common mistake is leaning back when you're feeling uneasy about being photographed, which can result in an unappealing angle. Surprisingly, leaning slightly towards the camera can make you appear slimmer and minimize any 'double chin' effect by elongating your neck.
  2. Adjust Your Chin: To combat a double chin, resist the urge to lift your head. This might inadvertently offer a view up your nose, which is less than ideal. Instead, your photographer will advise you to push your chin forward and then slightly down, smoothing your neck and avoiding the double chin effect without compromising the photo's angle.
  3. Sideways Stance: Facing the camera directly is often the least flattering pose. Positioning your body at an angle, however, can create a more slender appearance.
  4. Natural Smiles: While smiling is essential for a headshot, maintaining a smile for too long can result in a strained expression. Photographers typically conduct a few test shots to adjust settings, so there's no need to constantly smile. Relax your face between shots to avoid a forced smile. A genuine, refreshed smile can make a significant difference in how natural and engaging your headshot looks.

By adhering to these guidelines from your photographer, you can ensure your headshot not only looks professional but also captures your best self.


Earlier this year I entered the Mandy Monologue Competition and with the help of my wonderful supportive fellow actors who voted for me, I managed to WIN! As part of the prize package I got a headshot session with Mark and I am beyond happy with the results. Headshots can be a blooming awful experience, the pressure to get the hair, make up and tops right, then to get infant of the camera and try and do everything while doing nothing is for me a tad terrifying. Enter Mark. A really lovely Guy, he put me at ease straight away, asked me about myself, casting, experience etc and explained what he thought we should go for looks wise. He helped me choose the best tops and gave me brilliant advice on hair and make up. What I loved especially with Mark is the way he explained the process. I'm someone who likes to understand things, I'm an actor and I like good direction and that's what he did. By explaining what he was looking for and what makes a great shot and then giving feedback about what I was doing he quickly managed to get me into a state where I was able to make an offering and give something to the camera, rather than sitting like a stunned deer in the headlights! After the shoot Mark kindly let me sit with Tea and flick through the pictures to get abs idea of what we had got and I was blown away. The images were brilliant and not because they were overly posed but because they were just me but alive and ready, this naturally meant that the process of narrowing the 300 odd pictures to my final 3 was a real challenge! I put out a shortlist to Twitter, Facebook, Friends, Family and industry folk and the reacting was so great and the final 3 I have chosen I feel incredibly happy with. They offer range or age, casting and states of strength and vulnerability. I can not recommend Mark enough, he is professional, personable, and  a great photographer an absolute dream to work with. THANK YOU MARK!!

Our goal is to achieve a range of looks and styles for all our individual clients.